Courses and Worksop 2023

Workshops/Courses of 2022

3D Modelling and Customised Human Dental Aligners

Level: BE/B.Tech
Period of conducting the course:

No. of Credits:   


Hours of hands-on Design work:

Mode of Course (Online / Offline Location): 

Names of Organizing faculty: Dr. Mamta Juneja,Dr. Prashant Jindal

Resource Persons: 

Number of Students participated


Aligners is an alternative method to metal braces and is very convenient to wear. The summer internship 2021 focused on teaching these young minds about the importance of our project, followed by pre-research about it as knowledge about dentistry is required. After pre-research they were taught about the process that we follow. They were taught about the materials and equipment we make use of. Even though they couldn't get hands-on experience (due to the pandemic) we ensured to teach them as much as we could via online meetings. They were asked to make ppts, explore the software along with the help of some previous use cases and finally were asked to make a report on the project

Aayushi Kapoor

This course enabled all the interns to get knowledge about Designing and development of 3D printed Human Dental Aligners

Level: BE/B.Tech
Period of conducting the course:


No. of Credits:  


Hours of hands-on Design work:


Mode of Course (Online / Offline Location)


Names of Organizing faculty: 


Number of Students participated:


The internship started with familiarizing the students with the project which is linked to the restorative part in DIC. They were giving a brief introduction about the maxillo and cranio - parts of the skull. Also, they were introduced to how the defects in the skull can hamper their appearance and life. And to restore normalcy, the steps to create a prototype skull using CAD methodology. They were given tutorials on how to extract data from DICOM files and convert them into an STL file. Further, they were taught how to clean and edit the STL as per the requirement of the doctor to reduce the intra-operative time and complexity. Also, they were given a hands on experience on how to create a STL by working on a subject's DICOM

This course enabled all the interns to get knowledge about CAD/CAM Technologies and working medical grade 3D printing

Gerry Dhingra

Restorative Technologies: Maxillo Craniofacial Reconstruction
